Privacy Policy

Equantz Technology Inc. (“Equantz”, “us” or “we”) understands that your privacy is important to you. Equantz is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personally-identifiable information, being any information that is capable of identifying you as an individual person, as you use this Site and the Knowledge Networks Portal. The scope of Equantz’s commitment, described in this Privacy Policy and in all our engagements, is largely advised and compliant to Office of Information and Privacy Commissioner, British Columbia, Canada. By submitting personally-identifiable information, you consent to Equantz’s use of such personally-identifiable information as described herein. Please see our terms of use for more information about our on-line terms and policies in general.

What personally-identifiable information is collected?

Equantz collects personally-identifiable information on certain areas of the Site when users register for, apply for jobs or share knowledge through the Dörfli Knowledge Networks Portal, register for newsletters and alerts, sign up for conferences and events, and participate in user posting areas (such as bulletin boards, discussion forums and surveys). The personally-identifiable information collected may consist of information that you provide, such as your name, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, and background information required to apply for a job. For recruiting purposes, the information collected may include other personally-identifiable information that you include on your resume and information that you submit as part of your application. In addition, Equantz collects certain information that you do not visibly enter, such as your IP address, browsing pattern on the Site, click stream data, HTTPS protocol elements, and the status of cookies placed on your computer by Equantz.

How may Equantz use my personally-identifiable information?

Equantz uses your personally-identifiable information to fulfill your requests for information, publish your letters to the editor or comments, process your requests to participate in conferences and events, evaluate any job applications, recruit personnel, distribute newsletters and alerts to you, and for such other purposes as you may initiate or request. We may keep any of your personally-identifiable information on file and use it to contact you.

How are cookies used?

Cookies are small packets of information that are stored by your web browser. They are put on your web browser by the websites that you visit. These packets of information do not contain personal information about you but they do allow us to know if you visit the same website twice or if you visit related websites.

The laws in many European Union countries require you to provide a form of consent before cookies are placed on your web browser unless the cookie is necessary for the website to work.

There is no agreed standard for how companies comply with these laws. We do the following:

We only use cookies where they are necessary for our services or where you have provided your express or implied consent. We respect your wishes, and you can inspect, delete, or block any cookies used by us by selecting the appropriate control in your web browser. We support technologies that have been developed and are being developed for your web browser that allows you to be more selective about the cookies that your web browser will accept.

What are “cookies” used for on this website?

Equantz uses cookies to identify you and your interests and to track your use of the Site. We also use cookies to control access to certain content on our Site and to process any requests that you make with us.

To administer our website and for research purposes, Equantz has also contracted with third parties to track and analyze anonymous usage and volume statistical information from our visitors and members. Such information is shared externally only on an anonymous, aggregated basis. These third parties use persistent cookies to help us to improve the visitor experience, manage our site content, and track visitor behavior.

Equantz has also contracted with a third party to send e-mail to our registered members. To help measure and improve the effectiveness of our e-mail communications, the third-party sets cookies. All data collected by this third party on behalf of Equantz is used solely by or on behalf of Equantz and is shared externally only on an anonymous, aggregated basis.


“First Party” Cookie – A cookie placed by this website

“Third Party” Cookie – A cookie placed by another domain (e.g. not this website)

“Permanent” Cookie – The cookie information is permanently stored on your device

“Temporary” Cookie – The cookie information is stored for a defined period on your device (e.g. six months)

“Session” Cookie – The cookie information is temporarily stored in your web browser’s memory

Implied Consent – You are deemed to have given your consent by continuing to use this website after having had this privacy policy made available to you

Explicit Consent – You specifically agree to the use of cookies after having had this privacy policy made available to you

“Strictly Necessary” Cookies – These cookies are required so the website can function. No consent is required

We don’t seek to collect your personal information, and, where we do collect it, we strive to anonymize your personal information as soon as practicable.

Equantz Recruitment / Equantz Retention Program

To assist Equantz with its staffing and recruitment, Equantz has partnered with a third-party to provide the Equantz Recruitment. If you provide information through the Recruitment Portal, your personally-identifiable information will be held on servers located in the US. The third-party has agreed to provide the same level of privacy and data protection that you enjoy when interacting with this Site and Equantz generally.

Through the Equantz Recruitment Portal, job candidates can apply for positions with Equantz or sign up for the Equantz Retention Program where you can be notified of any potential job openings or other similar opportunities that might be of interest to you.

Equantz frequently visits recruiting websites and social networks such as LinkedIn. Where users of those websites have made their personally-identifiable information publically available, Equantz sometimes collects this information for the Equantz Retention Program. If you do not want Equantz to retain your personally-identifiable information collected in this way, please opt-out of the Equantz Retention Program when notified that your personally-identifiable information has been collected.

Mobile Applications

In connection with applications that we make available for mobile devices, Equantz may use third-party services to track and analyze non-personally identifiable user activity in order to fix errors, monitor usage, and improve the performance of the applications. In particular, third-party tracks whether a user opened an application in response to a specific push notification. Third-party tracks and reports on some of our mobile applications’ usage and browsing patterns, including information about the type of device used, articles accessed, and other events occurring within our apps. Third-party tracks certain errors occurring within mobile applications. None of these third parties gathers information in a manner intended to identify any particular user personally.

In addition, our Equantz Insights app offers a personalized list of recommendations (called “Recommended for you”) pointing out Equantz content we think you’ll find interesting. Recommendations are based solely on what you’ve viewed in the Insights app. A unique user identifier that is generated by the app and does not contain (or link to) any personally identifiable information helps us track the articles you read. We do not share your viewing history or trends with other users or other sites.

Our mobile applications may include integration with various social-networking sites, including Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter. If you enable and use these features within an application, the extent to which your activities and information are tracked is governed by the relevant user agreement you have in place with such a third party.

Newsletters and Alerts

By registering for recurring Equantz newsletters or alerts, you agree to receive on occasion other correspondence from Equantz related to the subscribed newsletters and other Equantz news and information that you consented to receive during registration. This type of information is shared externally only in anonymous, aggregated form for generalized user analysis or to enable third party agents to send e-mails to you on our behalf. You will be contacted by e-mail or otherwise only by Equantz or it agents.

We ask for your e-mail address at registration. We will send e-mails to this address to confirm your registration, to provide newsletters or alerts and to contact you for any other reason. In addition, we may contact you regarding your account status. If you sign up to receive any of our newsletters, alerts, or surveys, you may on occasion receive other correspondence from Equantz. Your e-mail address will not be shared with any third party other than an agent who has agreed to send e-mails on our behalf.

The Site also includes a feature that enables Equantz to send links to its content through e-mail at our users’ request. The e-mail address(es) that you supply in connection with this service will be used only to send the requested content. They will not be stored or reused for any purpose.

Is personally-identifiable information disclosed to third parties?

Equantz shall not intentionally disclose or transfer (and shall take reasonable steps to prevent the unauthorized or accidental disclosure of) your personally-identifiable information to third parties (i.e., persons or entities that are not affiliates of Equantz) without your consent, whether for such third parties’ marketing purposes or otherwise, except as follows. Equantz may provide access to your personally-identifiable information to third party vendors engaged by Equantz to provide services related to the Site; provided that such vendors will first agree to maintain the strict confidentiality of such information and provide the same level of data security as provided by Equantz. Equantz may also be compelled to surrender personal user or customer information to legal authorities without express user consent if presented with a court subpoena or similar legal order, or as required or permitted by the laws, rules, and regulations of any applicable jurisdiction. Also, in the event of a violation of the Terms of Use of or any other terms on this Site, including but not limited to a violation of any restrictions on use of materials provided in or through this Site, Equantz may disclose personal user information to affected parties and legal authorities in furtherance of potential or on-going legal proceedings.


If you participate in a survey, all of our research results are reported as totals or in other aggregated form, and no information about you as an individual respondent is made public.

User forums

You should be aware that whenever you publicly disclose information online, that information could be collected and used by others. Equantz is not responsible for any action or policies of any third parties who collect information that users publicly disclose in any such forums on the Site.

Link to third-party sites

Equantz may provide links to third-party websites or information as a service to our users. If you use these links, you will leave this Site. Such links do not constitute or imply an endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation by Equantz of the third party, the third-party website, or the information contained therein, and Equantz shall not be responsible or liable for your use thereof. Such use shall be subject to the terms of use and privacy policies applicable to those sites.

How can I access, change, and/or delete information?

You may access, correct, update, and/or delete any personally-identifiable information that you submit to the Site. You may also unsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations on the Site. To do so, please either follow instructions on the page of the Site on which you have provided such information, subscribed or registered or contact us at the address provide at the bottom of this Privacy Policy.


Equantz has implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security in order to protect personally-identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. Only authorized Equantz personnel and third-party vendors are provided access to personally-identifiable information, and these employees and vendors are required to treat this information as confidential. Despite these precautions, Equantz, however, cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not obtain access to your personally-identifiable information.

Trans-border hosting and transfer of information

Personally-identifiable information collected on the Site may be transferred from time to time to Equantz offices or personnel, or to third parties, located throughout the world, and the Site may be viewed and hosted by Equantz or its vendors anywhere in the world, including countries that may not have the same data protection laws than what is found in your country of residence. By using the Site and registering such information on it, you voluntarily consent to such trans-border transfer and hosting of such information.

Data Retention Policy

Equantz stores personally-identifiable information for various purposes as notified to you in this policy. For each of these different purposes, Equantz only retains the personally-identifiable information for so long as it is serving its notified purpose.


Equantz understands the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially in an on-line environment. The Site is not designed for or directed at children 13 years of age or younger, and Equantz will not intentionally collect or maintain information about anyone under this age.

Consent; changes to privacy policy

By using the Site, you consent to the collection, use, and storage of your information by us in the manner described in this Privacy Policy and elsewhere on the Site. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will alert you to any such changes by updating this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 1, 2020.

Contact us on privacy

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or if you require any assistance in navigating or reading the materials on this Site or any other Equantz Sites, please contact us at